Spot Top Tech Talent with Real World Challenges

Identify top programmers through customized challenges tailored to your company's needs, eliminating the stress of hiring developers who don't fit your organization.

A new hiring paradigm

We've improved the old ways of recruiting to help companies hire faster, retain more, and boost brand awareness while engaging with thousands of developers in a gamified way.

Products that cover your needs


We organize online hackathons where thousands of developers from our community tackle coding challenges tailored to your brand. Whether you aim to enhance your brand's visibility or recruit new developers, a hackathon is an ideal solution for your company.

Tech Assessments
Job Offers
Innovation Hackathons

We do it all for you

Business onboarding and design

When we start working together we design a hiring strategy that suitcase your company, creating hackathons, challenges and job offers so that you can accomplish your goals.

Read the stories of our community


Developers are actively involved in the NUWE platform.


User satisfaction.


Hackathons and challenges hosted in NUWE.


Active hackathons and coding challenges.

This platform helped me land my dream job. It's perfect for learning!

Carmen Torres


Let us host hackathons and challenges for your company and boost your hiring.

Be a part of NUWE next to other top notch companies